Guidelines for Authors

General rules for abstract submission and publication:

  1. Abstract Format: Simple or Expanded.
  2. Field of Knowledge according to the CNPq table. Link:
  3. Language of the Abstract: Portuguese or English.
  4.  Choice of Presentation Location (Choose Campus).

For PROINIC/Unimontes registered academics participating in the 3rd Unimontes Scientific Initiation Award/Edition 2023, they should indicate the IC Award category and the specific CNPq field of knowledge they wish to compete in. Only expanded abstracts will be accepted for the award. Please refer to the 3rd Unimontes Scientific Initiation Award/Edition 2023 call for more information (link: XXXXXX).

The same abstract cannot be submitted in both simple and expanded formats; doing so will result in the rejection of both versions.

Abstract Template: The abstract (simple or expanded) must strictly adhere to the respective template provided at the link, as there is a risk of rejection if the guidelines are not followed. The abstract(s) must be submitted in two files: .doc or .docx, and PDF, without including the names and authors' affiliations, as any indication of the author's identity may result in disqualification..
If any changes are necessary after submitting the abstract, the revised version should be resubmitted, and only the last version submitted will be evaluated by the committee.
After the submission deadline, it will not be possible to replace the submitted file(s), and no further author additions will be allowed. Therefore, any errors in the file, such as formatting or content issues, will be the sole responsibility of the authors.
After review by the Evaluation Committee, the abstract will be either ACCEPTED, ACCEPTED WITH RESERVATIONS, or REJECTED, based on the evaluators' feedback. The decision of the Evaluation Committee is final, and no appeals will be considered.
Abstracts ACCEPTED WITH RESERVATIONS have a three-day period after the evaluation to make the recommended changes. Failure to make the recommended changes within the given period will result in rejection. During the evaluation period (until September 15, 2023), authors should regularly check the platform or their registered email for the status of the abstract evaluation.

All approved abstracts must be presented during the event, in person, at the chosen campus, following the instructions that will be provided on the website at a later date, on a specific date and time determined by the Organizing Committee. Approved abstracts that are not presented at the event will not be eligible for presentation certificates.

The approved abstracts will be published electronically in the Proceedings of the 1st International Congress of Unimontes, which will be made available on the event's website at a later date.
All information included in the abstracts is the sole responsibility of the authors.